Diflora loyalty program

Diflora Club

Introducing Diflora Club, our exclusive loyalty program that rewards you with points for every purchase, giving you the opportunity to enjoy free plants and incredible shopwide discounts.

Lifetime rewards!
Free plants!
Shopwide discounts!

Register here or login here to get access to lifetime rewards
such as a free plant with every order and shop-wide discounts.

  • Read the FAQ for more information!


Diflora Club Level 1 (Seed)

  • Receive a free plant which is not on your Growlist (which is why we recommend keeping it up-to-date) with every plant order over €20.
  • Requirements: Sign up


Diflora Club Level 2 (Seedling)

  • Receive a free plant from your wishlist with every plant order over 20€
  • Requirements: 100 points
  • Rules:
  • – You must have at least 10 plants on your wishlist
  • – We will select a free plant that is not on your grow list if you do not have any plants on your wishlist.
  • – The free plant of your wishlist will have the same price range as the plants from purchase.



Diflora Club Level 3 (Plant)

  • Get 10% off your purchase + benefits of the previous levels!
  • Requirements: 500 points + 1 contribution
  • Rules:
  • – You must have at least 10 plants on your wishlist
  • – We will select a free plant that is not on your grow list if you do not have any plants on your wishlist.
  • – The free plant of your wishlist will have the same price range as the plants from purchase.



Diflora Club Level 4 (Flower)

  • Get 20% off your purchase + benefits of the previous levels!
  • Requirements: 1000 points + 1 contribution
  • Rules:
  • – You must have at least 10 plants on your wishlist
  • – We will select a free plant that is not on your grow list if you do not have any plants on your wishlist.
  • – The free plant of your wishlist will have the same price range as the plants from purchase.

To reach level 3 and 4, you must have submitted a contribution in addition to the points.

How to contribute? 1. you can write a blog post for the Diflora journal, 2. you can send us genetic material for our lab.

Go to “Ways to earn points” for more information.

Go to the “Ways to earn points” tab for more information.

Go to the “My progress” tab for more information.

On the cart page, you will see a banner to claim your rewards.

Still, have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us
and we will be with you shortly.