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For beginners & collectors

Access to rare varieties

Fast shipping

Environmentally friendly

Nepenthes Box

50.00 *

Only 1 left in stock

Shipping Information


Nepenthes Box is a mix of 8X Nepenthes for those who want to expand their carnivorous plant collection or for those who want to give something special and different as a gift. In fact, Nepenthes Box offers a varied selection at a discounted price. It is not possible to choose clones or species, we will choose every plants for you and we guarantee you the best plants from ours selected clones. Compared to a classic form of Drosera, selected clones are generally more expensive and costumers will receive plants labeled with the correct name and the will be different from each other.

Additional info:
For more info & photos visit our blog and our page Facebook and Instagram.

Scope of delivery

  • Vigorous plants, repotted in the current season, in high-quality soil
  • Brick-coloured pot made of recycled plastic (6.5 cm diameter)
  • Care guides
  • Free access to our plant doctor care service

Care instructions

How we grow Nepenthes?
In-vitro plants are acclimated in a Grow Chamber with controlled temperatures and humidity. This indoor setup ensure an easy adaptation to extra-vitro condition, guaranteeing the best conditions for plants in this delicate stage. All plants available at the Diflora shop have been acclimatized for at least 3 months. After this first phase plants are grown indoors at a temperature of 20°C and a photoperiod of 16 hours. Nepenthes are placed under 4000/5000 lux produced by LED lights with a colour temperature of 6400K. As with the most of carnivorous plant we use distilled water (produced by a reverse osmotic system) or rain water.

For all Nepenthes it is ideal to place them in a shady area (veranda, porch, under large trees, etc…) or using shade cloths. If the humidity is high enough, direct sunlight in the early morning or late afternoon hours will not be a problem.

Nepenthes poorly tolerates water stagnation, so the soil should always be moist, but never soaked with water.
In summer when temperatures are extreme it is possible to leave 1-2 cm of water in the saucer until it is absorbed. This is because evaporation is usually fast enough to prevent any stagnation. Only use distilled water. Alternatively, all waters with an extremely low mineral salt content are suitable. For example rainwater or all condensation water (air conditioner, dehumidifier). It’s important that the conductivity measures below 50 micro-Siemens.

While 50% peat and 50% perlite is fine as a general substrate, we recommend the Nepenthes substrate we have developed and tested for optimal growth of this genus, composed of a mixture of peat, perlite and bark.

Seasonally and temperature:
Nepenthes do not go into vegetative rest! As tropical plants they vegetate all year round but only under constant conditions.
The solutions for more or less constant conditions all year round are different depending on the type of habitat they belong to, i.e. whether Nepenthes are lowland, intermediate or highland.

Additional info:
For more cultivation information visit our care guides or use our plant care support by writing to ilpigliamosche@diflora.it

Trapping technique

To attract prey Nepenthes releases sweet substances on the edge of the pitcher. This essence attracts insects and they fall on the inside of the trap. Inside of it there is an acid liquid full of digestive enzymes. Escape from the pitcher is almost impossible. The inside has smooth walls and some species have hairs facing down that stop preys.

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