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Granular inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi with Trichoderma

Granular soil activator with mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma promotes plant growth, limits root diseases, and enhances soil health.

2.8118.54 *

Granular inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi with Trichoderma is a soil activator formulated with humified organic matter, along with bacterial and fungal inocula. This product not only provides organic matter and essential nutrients but also promotes the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, which are vital for plant development. Moreover, its unique microbial composition, rich in Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride, and rhizosphere bacteria, helps suppress the growth of pathogens responsible for root diseases such as Fusarium, Pythium, Armillaria, Sclerotinia, Phytophthora, and Rhizoctonia, among others. This product achieves multiple benefits, including improving the sanitary state of the crop, increasing production per hectare of income crops, enhancing the visual appearance of ornamental plants and lawns, and providing suitable support for the development of microorganisms

Medium chemical analysis:
Organic nitrogen (N): 3%;
Total phosphoric anhydride (P2O5): 3%;
Water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O): 2%;
Mycorrhizal content (% by weight): 0.005%;
Rhizosphere bacteria content: 1×107 c.f.g;
Trichoderma content: 1×105 u.f.c./g;
Organic carbon (C) of biological origin: 25%;
Humic and fulvic acids: 6%;

Technical features:
pH: 6 – 7

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