Drosera pygmy hybrid
Small and Clumpy plant
5.00€ *
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Drosera pygmy hybrid is a beautiful sundew hybrid. This carnivorous plant typically grows 15 to 20 millimeters wide in dense clusters. It is commonly found in sandy, peaty, or loamy soils along lakes, swamps, and streams. To cope with the dry season, it has developed extensive root systems for accessing moisture. It is low-growing, with leaves arranged around a central bud. The leaf tips are adorned with tentacle-like projections that produce a sticky mucus to trap insects. The plant attracts prey with a sweet-smelling secretion. Once an insect is ensnared, the tentacles contract to engulf it and cover it in mucus, leading to the insect’s suffocation or exhaustion.
Product Features:
- Pygmy sundews
- Extensive roots for drought resilience
- Sticky Tentacles: Capture insects with sweet secretions
- Growth in dense clusters
- Trap: bright red and small
Additional info:
For more info & photos visit our blog and our page Facebook and Instagram.
Scope of delivery
- Vigorous plants, repotted in the current season, in high-quality soil
- Brick-coloured pot made of recycled plastic (6.5 cm diameter)
- Care guides
- Free access to our plant doctor care service
Care instructions
How we grow Pigmy Drosera?
In-vitro plants are acclimated in a Grow Chamber with controlled temperatures and humidity. This indoor setup ensure an easy adaptation to extra-vitro condition, guaranteeing the best conditions for plants in this delicate stage. All plants available at the Diflora shop have been acclimatized for at least 3 months. After this first step the plant is brought outside, under direct sunlight with the classic tray system as watering method and so, keeping always some amount of water in the tray. As with the majority of carnivorous plants, we use distilled water produced by our reverse osmosis system.
As with all sundews, pygmy sundews also need direct sunlight in order to be able to live at their best and carry out their activities as tiny predators.
In nature, pygmy sundews face torrid, dry summers where they enter a state of dormancy to awaken and vegetate in their winter period, which is characterised by abundant rainfall and a mild climate. Unless you have a terrarium, this is rather difficult to reproduce in a temperate climate. In fact, reproducing these conditions is not necessary as most pygmy sundews vegetate happily all year round and do not require a resting period. In summer, the usual centimetres of water in the saucer should be maintained, while in winter the water supply should be reduced.
Pygmy sundews are very hardy plants and we can ‘fool’ them by pretending that our summer is their winter. It is important to use only distilled water or alternatively all waters that have an extremely low mineral salt content. For example rainwater or all condensation water (air conditioner, dehumidifier). It’s important that the conductivity measures below 50 micro-Siemens.
While 50% peat and 50% perlite is fine as a general substrate, we recommend the Drosera substrate we have developed and tested for optimal growth of this genus.
Seasonality and temperature:
Pygmy sundews do not need any kind of vegetative rest. Many growers bring pygmy sundews inside a terrarium or a double window during the winter period. This applies to the more delicate pygmy sundews in geographical areas where winter temperatures expect frequent frosts. Generally it is sufficient to reduce the water supply (not necessarily gradually) to prevent the water in the saucer from freezing and irreparably damaging the roots. They are very hardy plants but watch out for frost! Ideally, they should be placed in a cold greenhouse.
One of the peculiarities of pygmy sundews is the production of buds, this event coincides with our autumn and therefore with the lowering of temperatures (generally around October-November) and is an extremely effective form of asexual reproduction as the buds, produced in the centre of the rosette, reach maturity and are immediately responsive and ready to germinate. With the arrival of fine weather, the only thing to do is to place them back in the sun and increase the water supply.
Additional info:
For more cultivation information visit our care guides or use our plant care support by writing to ilpigliamosche@diflora.it
Diflora started the in-vitro propagation of this Drosera from plant parts that comes from very experienced growers. Micropropagation allows the preservation of the mother plant genome avoiding contamination and genetic variation caused by traditional pollination followed by seeds production.
Trapping technique
Drosera catch mainly small flying insects using sticky modified trichomes placed all over their leaves. These trichomes secrete droplets of water and polysaccharides attracting insects that are searching for sugary substances, like nectar. As the unawares visitors fatally fly on those sweet and lethal leaves, they stay glued and unable to fly away. It is caused mainly by droplet viscosity. Slowly, the viscous liquid from the nearby trichomes envelops the insect, sealing a macabre fate for the unfortunate victim: the tracheas, respiratory holes placed on the surface of the exoskeleton of insects, are obstructed causing their death by suffocation.
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